Stylish magazine – Beauty in UK


Spring Fatigue: How to Fight Off Seasonal Hair Loss? The Best Remedies

After saying goodbye to the freezing winter aura and hat-covered hair, we all look out for spring to come. Sadly, the beginnings tend to be tough. Feeling non-stop sleepy, irritated or fatigued, plus seasonal hair loss which isn’t a minor problem. Handfuls of hair on your brush and in the shower outlet might look scary but luckily there are ways to deal with the problem. The moment you spot too much hair falling out, be alarmed –  your hair needs intensified care. How to get round to it? Enjoy reading the post.


What is spring fatigue?

The spring fatigue is also known as the springtime lethargy. It is connected with the changes going on in our bodies, making us feel weaker and tired. We wake up after the winter time, the metabolism changes, the body needs more vitamins and uses up more energy. That is why if you don’t get enough vitamins and nutrients (in other words – you stay in the ‘winter phase’), you become sleepy and exhausted – the reserves of vitamins and energy are used up so you fail to live up to the spring requirements.

In winter, we’re often missing vitamins, the sunlight and physical activity. That’s why we experience an unpleasant shock with the onset of the spring. The most common changes are connected with:

  • body fatigue (visible on the outside as well: sallow face skin, nail breakage, hair loss);
  • sleepiness;
  • regular headaches and sore muscles;
  • slower reflexes;
  • problems with concentration and insomnia;
  • irritation and stress;
  • painful cramps (magnesium deficiency);
  • sudden feeling of fatigue (iron deficiency).

Why hair falls out in excess in springtime?

Your hair reacts to every single change – no matter if it is a new shampoo, the change of the surrounding or hormone changes occurring with the beginning of the new season. Everything affects your hairdo.

Let’s not forget that the body after winter tends to be weak and lethargic and has slower metabolism. It has to speed up a bit in spring – if you lack the reserves of necessary nutrients or their amounts are not sufficient, your body focuses on supporting the most important biological processes first. That is why your hair, nails and skin are a little bit neglected and put in the shade.

How many hairs should fall out a day?

If you noticed excessive hair fall out at the beginning of the spring, you must know that even around 100 hairs normally fall out every day. It is a perfectly normal process connected with the hair life cycle as well as the onset of the spring (and the hormonal changes).

How to hinder back seasonal hair loss – the best ways

1. Time for rest

You’ve used up almost all energy. Give your body some time to regenerate, try to relax and rest, especially if you normally live a busy life and you must or like being active. Try to find at least a moment every day to chill in. Such a reboot translates into a boost of energy for the next day.

2. Diet

Your body needs new power after winter. The right amount of minerals and vitamins is crucial. Obviously, taking supplements that promise to work wonders is not a good idea. However, if you decide on them, you should know that fish oil and algae are the only worth-taking supplements. Try to deliver other vitamins together with food.

Enrich your diet with vegetable and fruit cocktails. One smoothie can give more benefits than a supplement pill filled with artificial boosters.

3. Hydration, moisturising

There are no exceptions – you must drink around 2.5 liter of mineral water per day. Regrettably, it’s easier said than done, especially among coffee freaks. If you’ve spotted skin feeling tight and extremely dry hair – replenish your water supplies. Hydrate your body every day to see healthier hair, smoothed face lines and radiant skin soon.

4. Hair oil treatment

Natural oils are jam-packed with priceless fatty acids, vitamins which are essential for hair, phytosterols and flavonoids which rejuvenate and have an anti-free radical effect. You apply oils both to hair lengths and scalp so your bulbs are nourished and strengthened whereas your scalp is healthy and problem-free.

Natural oils should be unrefined and cold-pressed. They fix damage in inner hair structures, seal cuticle scales for smoothness, protect against damage and block hair loss. If you do an oil treatment minimum once a week, you’re going to turn your hair around. When the spring makes itself comfortable, you will dazzle everyone with glossy, healthy, strong hair.

5. Herbs, hair rinses & scalp treatments

An excellent complement to the hair oil treatment. Herbs, rinses and scalp lotions have a huge asset – they benefit your scalp and bulbs which are critical for the life and state of your hair. You can’t stop hair loss without them. Choose them respecting your hair type and its needs or pick a universal nettle and horsetail conditioner rubbing it in scalp and lengths after every hair wash.

Good luck!

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