Stylish magazine – Beauty in UK


Minimalism in skin and hair care. How to start & what rules to follow?

Too much of a good thing… This rule applies to skin and hair care too. We should use fewer products and they should be customized to our needs. This is a secret to fruitful hair and skin care. How to be a minimalist then?

Check through your products

At first, write down all your cosmetics – from your beauty bag, bathroom and all other places where you keep them. If you want to make the task easier, divide them into groups: skin care, makeup, hair care, nails, etc. Next, check expiry dates and get rid of expired cosmetics. Think whether you really need those three body lotions, two body washes, four scrubs, etc…

Keep your beauty bag clean

Throw out the products that have expired. Get rid of cosmetics whose aroma, color and consistency leave a lot to be desired, as well as the ones you haven’t used for a long time, or they leave your skin irritated. Clean the products you keep and wash the bag. This way you will do away with impurities and bacteria that would make the products work worse or even trigger irritations.

Hair and skin care schedule

At last, draw up a plan paying attention to the following points: skin/hair type, their needs, the products you’ve got and the ones you still need to buy. Draw up a schedule and decide on the days on which you will do a face scrub and hair oil treatment. Also, prepare a list of must-haves so that you don’t end up buying something you don’t need.

Benefits of minimalism in skin and hair care

  1. Limited number of cosmetics, using up products until last drop, more saved money.
  2. Buying a new cosmetic after using up the one you’ve got.
  3. Conscious shopping. You know what you really need and what’s not worth spending money on.
  4. Buying less, you can have pricier and better quality products.
  5. Using multipurpose products means less clutter in the house and more money in your pocket.
  6. The skin and hair benefit from minimalism, look prettier and are healthier.

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