Stylish magazine – Beauty in UK


Nanoil – a star among hair oils

Nanoil - a star among hair oils

Natural oil and hair oiling make the best choice if you want to nourish, repair and immediately beautify your hair. No wonder the cosmetic industry is abounding in hair oils. Sadly, it happens that searching for an ideal ends up in failure. It is because hair oils can be filled with silicones, parabens and an array of substances that do harm to your hair. There is one product that stands out among the whole bunch of other hair oils. It gains the admiration and appreciation of many women.

Nanoil hair oil is elegant and exclusive. It will never hurt your hair
as it is free from parabens, silicones and other comedogenic substances. The product is rich in precious oils that have been perfectly selected and composed to match each of three hair porosities.

Nanoil hair oil has been made with attention to detail. It comes in 3 versions. Each of them has a bit different composition and serves a different hair type. Nanoil brand knows that every hair type needs different substances that provide full care. Nanoil is available in three variants, therefore it satisfies the specific needs of hair.

  • Nanoil for low porosity hair will help you if your hair is thick, strong, heavy, lacks volume, often gets greasy, and it is very hard for you to find suitable hare care products.
  • Nanoil for medium porosity hair will help you if your hair gets damaged and more difficult to style. This hair type is thin, frizzy, static whereas hair ends – are dry or split. The condition of your hairdo weakens from the roots (hair bulbs) and you notice hair loss.
  • Nanoil for high porosity hair will help you if your hair is extremely damaged and dehydrated. It lost its shine, vitality and bounce. It gets brittle. Hair loses water and moisture quickly so it is hard to keep its water-lipid balance. It looks unaesthetic, especially when hair ends get dry and split.

The ingredients of each of the three Nanoil versions have been selected to fully nourish and repair hair as well as deliver substances that keep hair healthy and beautiful. Each version consists of different natural oils (matched to hair porosity) and some additional extraordinary substance that enhance the action of the product (e.g. panthenol, keratin, lanoline, silk, UV filter).

Nanoil brand knows that there is no universal product that would take care of every hair type. Years of research on hair structure and porosity have shown that each of the three hair types has different needs and must be provided with different nutrients. Unsuitable hair care won’t help your hair. To make things worse, it will weaken the condition and appearance of your hairdo. That is why, 3 versions of Nanoil make such a revolutionary solution. All you must do is define your hair type, discover its porosity and… start using Nanoil. You can use it in numerous ways.

Nanoil is not only a scalp treatment. It provides full-size care. Thanks to Nanoil hair oil, you will get rid of a hair mask, styling fluid, heat protectant, smoothing lotion, shine-boosting spray and serum for damaged hair ends. Nanoil is going to replace all these cosmetics. It can be applied to scalp and hair (as a rinse-out treatment), to dry or damp strands (as a leave-in treatment). Use it the way you want, when you want and even where you want – Nanoil hair oil offers endless possibilities.

insta opinions about nanoil


natural oils are the concentrated power of natural conditioning ingredients that are pressed from the seeds of most valuable plants found in different corners of the world. Oils are the source of flavonoids, minerals, vitamins and good fatty acids. The unquestioned winners when it comes to hair care and repair.

hair porosity is one of the most important criteria that define the condition of your hair, its needs and suitable way of nourishing. Hair porosity defines the size of gaps in the cuticle layer. There are 3 types of porosity: low, medium and high. The higher the porosity, the more damaged the hair.

hair oiling is a treatment that involves applying a natural oil or properly selected blend of oils to hair or (preferably) to hair and scalp. Oils must be matching your hair porosity so that their particles can fit between hair cuticles.

19 Comments “Nanoil – a star among hair oils”

  1. Danielle S.

    I have been using linseed oil for the past few months and I can see that my hair is getting used to it so it’s time for change and I must look for something new 🙂

    • Gretchen

      the porosity of your hair has somehow dropped, I had a similiar situation: I was using nanoil for high porosity hair because my hair was very dry and damaged and after a few months its condition improves significantly and I had to switch to nanoi for medium porosity hair! At the moment, my hair is strengthened and thicker

  2. MaYa

    I love the way my hair feels after oil treatment!

  3. Alex

    If it wasn’t for this oil, I’d have straw-like hair 😉

  4. Caroline

    it’s to awesome that there are oils designed for various hair types, it’s a bigger change they will help

  5. SkyFall

    According to this test, my hair is highly porous but Im sure it wasn’t always like that. It got damaged by years of bleaching and straightening. Even though I apply a mask after every wash, it is still brittle and dry

    • Josie

      I managed to strengthen such hair and improve its condition thanks to this oil so I can recommend it

  6. Maggie

    A really good article, I haven’t heard of this oil before

    • Firebird

      my hairdresser told me about it and I have been using it for a few months. It’s really amazing for me and trust me, I have used many products recommended by hair maniacs and this one turned out to be the best

  7. Lissa9

    quite pricey 🙁

    • LucyLu

      The price is not at all high for such a cosmetic, some of these oils that are part of the nanoil are not easy to produce and hence the price. Chain stores are full of cheap oils and the real oil is not even there. No other way but to pay more for a good quality product

      • Josie

        I ordered two bottles together with my sister and it was cheaper

  8. ciara-blog

    the one for low porosity hair helped me a lot! The hair used to be lifeless and sometimes I had to wash it even twice a day because it got oily so quickly

  9. Ellen

    The effect wasn’t as spectacular, maybe I haven’t used it long enough but it didnt’t knock me off my feet afte the first couple uses 😉

  10. Agnes

    I must finally try out hair oiling treatment because I keep finding positive reviews about it

    • Jessica

      natural oils are the most effective hair care products

      • ciara-blog

        if you choose the right oil for your hair type then this oil can really work wondes

        • Phoebe

          so maybe I chose the wrong one (coconut oil) or I did something incorrectly, I have no idea why my hair looked so bad after hair oiling

  11. ciara-blog

    You must first try out a lot of oils and various methods of application before you learn which one is most suitable for you


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