Stylish magazine – Beauty in UK


TOP 10 Tips – How to Cool Down in the Scorching Heat

Hot summer days – we all want them to come but when they do… we desperately search for ways to get through the tropical-like heat. Summer is both the most beautiful and the most tiring season of the year. How to make heat easier to handle? Surely the following 10 excellent patents are going to help you deal with the hot weather.

beauty-tips-for-hot-days.jpgHow to beat the heat? 10 best simple patents

1. Drink lots of water

1.5 l of water is the absolute minimum but your body needs much more liquids on extremely hot days. Try to provide it with 3 liters of water and/or herbal teas or healthy fruit cocktails. In this way you will save yourself from dehydration and your skin will be protected from the loss of firmness and faster ageing.

2. Don’t go out at noon

The most intense heat and harmful sunlight can be observed from 11 am to 2 pm. Still, the sun tends to be merciless in the afternoon hours as well. That’s why do your best to avoid the long-term exposure to the scorching sun. Apply high-factor face and body creams and protect your head – get yourself an in-style, gracious hat. You will avoid sunburnt scalp and won’t damage your hair which reacts badly to the UV radiation (loss of water inside, dry and brittle strands).

3. Make sure you always have a sunblock on you

If you’re planning on a few hours in the sunlight – no matter if you go to the beach, hiking or sightseeing – remember that a sunblock protects your skin for up to four or five hours. After that, reapplication is a must-do so try to always have it in your bag.

4. Air-con – not always a blessing

We know what relief it brings on hot days but it also tends to be deceptive, especially on extremely hot days. If there’s a six-degree difference between the room and outside temperature, you’re exposed to infections, tonsillitis or cold. Remember also that AC is an ideal ‘food’ for microbes and bacteria so it must be cleaned. Otherwise you can end up with bothersome ailments and skin irritations.

5. Cool your skin down

If you don’t have water nearby, carry baby wipes or a body and face hydrosol with you. They tone skin up and ensure freshness, letting you cool the warmed-up body at least for a while. All kinds of cooling after-sun gels give great results, including body and face-soothing menthol. It is a good idea to always carry them around and apply them in crisis.

6. Wear light breathable clothes

On hot days, give up on artificial materials which prevent your skin from breathing and disturb the skin circulation (nylon or lycra are the examples, not allowing the ventilation and intensifying sweating). Cotton is second to none for unbearable heat. Linen dresses and pants work, too. Do your best to make such materials outnumber others in your wardrobe. Keep in mind that dark colors attract sunrays.

7. Care for your feet

On hot days, your feet… have a hard time. They often get swollen and are easily irritated. To avoid callus, makes sure you regularly exfoliate the epidermis and apply softening creams which additionally freshen up and protect from blisters and cracked heels. Buying a foot refreshing spray is a good idea.

8. Give up on heavy foundation

In summer, your face doesn’t need weighing-down products and it deals badly with coverage foundations which simply drip off face after a few hours of wear. A powdery, mineral foundation is an ideal solution which gives a nice appearance, soothes the skin and protects from post-sun irritation.

9. Live in the shadow

On extremely hot days, keep the rooms in your house shadowy – tightly close the windows to prevent the sunlight from heating the walls, furniture and floor. In this way you minimize the feeling of stuffy air at night. A fan and air moisturiser make a good choice; put them in the central part of the house or in a room where you spend most time.

10. Take baths

Nothing cools your body better than a chilly (not cold) shower. If possible, wash your body using lukewarm water (preferably, around 25-35 Celsius degrees). Go for a shower gel which hasn’t got a sweet scent; it should be fresh and stimulating.

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