Stylish magazine – Beauty in UK


Dry cuticles. How to get rid of them?

Dry cuticles can destroy even the most beautiful manicure. How to take care of your hands and get rid of dry cuticles for good?
Our hands (next to the face) are an extremely representative part of our body – they are used during greetings, so they should we well-groomed and neat. It is important to devote a minute or two to moisturise them in order to reduce the risk of having peeling skins.


Dry cuticles

This is a very common problem. Not only do they look bad and spoil even the best manicure, but also impede everyday functioning. Peeling cuticles cause discomfort and pain, often leading to further problems with hands (dehydration, weakness, irritations, infections). This is something everybody wants to avoid.

What causes dry cuticles?

Usually, they are the result of dehydration and deficiencies of essential nutrients (minerals and vitamins). This is a direct cause, but it all begins with negligence in proper hand care and the lack of protection against harmful factors, such as detergents, frost or high temperature.

Your dry cuticles may be caused by:

  • vitamin and mineral deficiencies;
  • improper care or lack of it;
  • too deep cutting;
  • not using hand creams;
  • not wearing rubber gloves during cleaning.

How to stop your cuticles from peeling?

If you don’t want to have dry cuticles, you have to pay more attention to hand care. The base is a moisturising, nourishing and protecting hand cream (especially in winter). It is good to get a habit of applying a bit of cream after each hand washing, because water and soap can dehydrate the skin. Before any contact with detergents, you should put on rubber gloves. What else can you do? You should take care of the condition of your skin from the inside – make sure your diet is balanced, based on healthy and nutrient-rich products.

All these activities can protect your skin from drying. However, you should also know what to do when you already have dry cuticles.

How to get rid of dry cuticles?

A proper treatment should involve moisturising, oiling and nourishing the skin of your hands. Actually, there are quite a few effective ways to reduce the dryness. Try one of them to get rid of the problem for good.

  1. Ready-made preparations – take can be in the form of oils, butters or balms. As a rule, they are used during manicure to soften the skins in order to make them easier to cut. They should be applied to the skin around the nails at least once day.
  2. Hand baths – it is a great idea to restore the skin’s softness, smoothness and proper hydration. It is enough to prepare a special bath at least once a week, adding softening salts and your natural oils to warm water. Dip your hands for 10-15 minutes to make your dry cuticles softer.
  3. Night hand mask – a great way to soften the skin and get rid of peeling skin. You can use a nutritious cream, a hand lotion or a mixture prepared by yourself. How to make a hand mask? Apply a thick layer of cream and put on cotton gloves for the whole night.

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